Main Authors:


Dunn, S., Janakiram, P., Blake, J., Hum, S., Cheetham, M., Welch, V., & Pottie, K. 2011. Appendix 18: Contraception: evidence review for newly arriving immigrants and refugees. CMAJ. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.090313.

Pottie, K., Greenaway, C., Feightner, J., Wlech, V., Swinkels, H., Rashid, M., Narasiah, L., Krimayer, L.J., Ueffing, E., MacDonald, N.E., et al. 2011. Evidence-based clinical guidelines for immigrants and refugees. CMAJ. Doi:

Wiebe, E. 2013. Contraceptive practices and attitudes among immigrant and nonimmigrant women in Canada. CFP MFC. Doi: 59 (10) e451-e455.

Aptekman, M., Rashid, M., Wright, V., & Dunn, S. 2014. Unmet contraceptive needs among refugees. CFP. Doi: 60 (12) e613-e619;

United Nations. Contraceptive Use by Method (2019). Link:

Government of Canada. Canada welcomes historic number of newcomers in 2022. 2023. Link:
