Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories (NWT) provides health insurance under the NWT Health Care Plan. You must submit the NWT Application for Health Care form:

You must show that you have a legal right to be in Canada (i.e., a copy of your permanent resident card) as well show proof of residency in the NWT using two documents. Please see the list below for acceptable proof of residency documents:

  • Signed mortgage, rental or lease agreement

  • Rent receipt

  • Letter from private or government landlord

  • One utility bill (e.g. cable, water, gas, oil or power)

  • Property tax form

  • Revenue Canada form (NWT Income Tax Return)

  • Proof of employment (e.g. letter from your employer or pay stub)

  • Other documents issued by Government that include your name and residential address [e.g. Child Tax Benefit Statement, Employment Insurance Benefit Statement, Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions (please white out financial details)]

NOTE: Cell phone bills, Driver’s Licences and Government IDs are excluded from this list