Northwest Territories
The Northwest Territories (NWT) provides health insurance under the NWT Health Care Plan. You must submit the NWT Application for Health Care form:
You must show that you have a legal right to be in Canada (i.e., a copy of your permanent resident card) as well show proof of residency in the NWT using two documents. Please see the list below for acceptable proof of residency documents:
Signed mortgage, rental or lease agreement
Rent receipt
Letter from private or government landlord
One utility bill (e.g. cable, water, gas, oil or power)
Property tax form
Revenue Canada form (NWT Income Tax Return)
Proof of employment (e.g. letter from your employer or pay stub)
Other documents issued by Government that include your name and residential address [e.g. Child Tax Benefit Statement, Employment Insurance Benefit Statement, Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions (please white out financial details)]
NOTE: Cell phone bills, Driver’s Licences and Government IDs are excluded from this list